Children's Classes


Table Manners
Teaching children how to use utensils, napkins, and chew with their mouths closed.

Greetings and Introductions
Teaching children how to properly introduce themselves and shake hands.

Phone and Internet Etiquette
Teaching children about responsible and respectful online behavior.

Thank you Notes
This workshop will teach children the importance of writing thank-you notes for gifts and acts of kindness.

Polite Communication
Teaching children to communicate clearly and respectfully with adults and peers. This workshop will explore the use of Magic Words.

Personal Hygiene
This workshop encourages good grooming habits like regular bathing, handwashing and brushing teeth.

Public Behavior
Teaching children how to behave in public places like restaurants, theaters, libraries, houses of worship etc.

Dressing Appropriately
Teaching children how to dress for important occasions and the importance of personal grooming.

Tea Parties
This fun workshop will teach the ins of outs of a tea party. It will cover the different types of teas, appropriate attire, table setting, refreshments and protocols.

Contact EUI for information about Etiquette and Tea Birthday Theme parties.