Etiquette Workshops
Dining and Table Etiquette
Is that my glass or yours? After this workshop you will not only know how to navigate the table from the time you are seated to the end of the meal but will also learn the American and European style of dining.
Dressing for the Occasion
This workshop is designed to teach students how to dress appropriately for the occasion. It covers everything from undergarments to accessories. It will cover casual attire to the most formal White tie.
We communicate verbally and non-verbally. What are you saying? This workshop will assist you in face to face and cyber communication. Topics discussed proper greetings, introductions, handshakes, emails and social media.
Business Etiquette
Whether a new graduate or seasoned professional that desires a refresher this workshop is for you. This workshop will address preparing for the interview, the interview, business attire, 1st impressions, proper handshakes and introductions.
Sitting and Walking
This workshop is designed to assist ladies with sitting and walking gracefully.
This workshop polishes a gentleman's presentation in the presence of a lady.
Investments Are Per Person Per TopicGroup rates are available
Etiquette Unlimited Institute
Chicago, II 60612 872.222.8226
116 S Western Ave Suite 12156